序号 | 姓名 | 论文题目 | 发表刊物 | 发表范围 | 收录类别 | 分区 |
1 | 柴少波 | 酸性干湿循环下充填节理岩石劣化性能试验研究 | 岩土力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
2 | 柴少波 | 考虑岩体应力的结构面中应力波传播特性分析 | 岩土力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
3 | 陈建锋 | 纵向粘钢筋加固冷弯薄壁C型钢长柱试验研究 | 建筑科学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
4 | 李波 | 基础隔震层附加黏滞阻尼器结构优化设计方法 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
5 | 李佳璐 | Nataf变换的桥梁系统多维地震易损性分析方法 | 交通运输工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
6 | 刘禹阳 | 干湿循环作用下原状黄土宏-微观参数关系研究 | 水利学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
7 | 罗丽娟 | 黄土地区抗滑桩嵌固段桩前被动土拱形成演化过程试验研究 | 中国公路学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
8 | 马恺泽 | 混合钢纤维混凝土深梁抗剪承载力分析 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
9 | 孟庆龙 | 分时电价下蓄冷空调系统需求响应强化学习控制 | 建筑科学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
10 | 孟庆龙 | 基于Elman神经网络的蓄能空调需求响应策略研究 | 建筑科学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
11 | 田威 | 3D 打印裂隙岩体动态力学性能及能量耗散规律初探 | 岩石力学与工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
12 | 田威 | 高温后碳纳米管混凝土力学性能及细观结构变化 | 浙江大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
13 | 王瑞 | 黄土地区某铁路专用线路基动力响应规律 | 上海交通大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
14 | 吴函恒 | 工程力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 | |
15 | 吴涛 | 腹筋对轻骨料混凝土深受弯构件受剪性能及尺寸效应影响的试验研究 | 土木工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
16 | 邢国华 | 预应力铝合金筋嵌入式补强钢筋混凝土梁裂缝分析与计算 | 工程力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
17 | 熊二刚 | 新型装配式剪力墙水平连接装置的力学性能 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
18 | 张常光 | 冻融循环和不均匀冻胀下寒区隧道的塑性解答 | 力学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
19 | 张常光 | 基于统一强度理论的非静水压圆形隧道塑性区半径的脆塑性摄动解 | 力学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
20 | 张常光 | 非饱和土诱导减载涵洞的竖向土压力研究 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
21 | 赵均海 | 圆钢管混凝土在自由扭转作用下扭矩-应变理论模型 | 工程力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
22 | 黄华 | 粉煤灰-矿渣基地聚物混凝土力学性能与微观结构 | 哈尔滨工业大学学报(EI 收录) | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
23 | 傅博 | A dual-explicit model-based integration algorithm with higher-order accuracy for structural dynamics | Applied Mathematical Modelling | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
24 | 胡博 | Influence mechanism of C/N ratio on heterotrophic nitrification- aerobic denitrification process | Bioresource Technology | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
25 | 胡博 | Revealing the effects of static magnetic field on the anoxic/oxic sequencing batch reactor from the perspective of electron transport and microbial community shifts | Bioresource Technology | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
26 | 赵传靓 | A novel self-floating cyclodextrin-modified polymer for cationic dye removal: Preparation, adsorption behavior and mechanism | SEPARATION AND PURIFICATION TECHNOLOGY | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
27 | 杨利伟 | Boosting activation of peracetic acid by Co@mZVI for efficient degradation of sulfamethoxazole: Interesting two-phase generation of reactive oxidized species | Chemical Engineering Journal | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
28 | 杨利伟 | Iron active sites encapsulated in N-doped graphite for efficiently selective degradation of emerging contaminants via peroxymonosulfate (PMS) activation: Inherent roles of adsorption and electron-transfer dominated nonradical mechanisms | Chemical Engineering Journal | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
29 | 杨利伟 | Carbonized resin with Fe&Co bimetal for peroxymonosulfate activation degrade | Separation and Purification Technology | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
30 | 孟庆龙 | A simplified improved transactive control of air-conditioning demand response for determining room set-point temperature: Experimental studies | Applied Energy | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
31 | 孟庆龙 | Thermal Energy Storage Air-conditioning Demand Response Control Using Elman Neural Network Prediction Model | Sustainable Cities and Society | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | A区 |
32 | 白亮 | 压型钢板-高延性水泥基材料组合楼板纵向剪切性能及承载力研究 | 工程力学 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | A区 |
33 | 柴少波 | P 波入射含顺层结构面岩质边坡引起的振动 | 山东大学学报(工学版) | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
34 | 刘伯权 | 基于性能的地铁车辆段上盖隔震双塔结构概率地震需求分析 | 地震工程与工程振动 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
35 | 刘岩 | Kapton膜材低温单轴循环拉伸力学性能研究 | 大连理工大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
36 | 刘岩 | Kapton薄膜高温单轴循环拉伸的力学性能 | 厦门大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
37 | 刘岩 | Kapton 薄膜单轴拉伸中心撕裂性能研究 | 武汉大学学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
38 | 王瑞 | 黄土地区重载铁路路堤动力响应及长期沉降 | 铁道工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
39 | 王瑞 | 二元介质模型对重塑黄土的适用性探讨 | 工程地质学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
40 | 赵均海 | 基于统一强度理论的临坡地基极限承载力解答 | 地下空间与工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
41 | 胡志平 | 基于太沙基极限平衡理论的螺纹桩承载力计算 | 地下空间与工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
42 | 胡志平 | 爆破荷载作用下隧道围岩裂隙范围计算方法研究 | 振动与冲击 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
43 | 胡志平 | 平面三向应力场中隧洞位移解及变化规律研究 | 地下空间与工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
44 | 张亚国 | 考虑温度效应的延安新区压实黄土全吸力范围持水和渗透特性研究 | 工程地质学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
45 | 贾能 | 铁路排水系统结晶水化学成因及土工影响 | 铁道学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
46 | 贾能 | 木钙源 EICP 溶液固化路基黄土性能研究 | 材料导报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
47 | 郑宏 | 装配式可更换梁段腹板开孔削弱型节点滞回性能 | 建筑科学与工程学报 | 国内学术期刊 | CSCD | B区 |
48 | 常召群 | Multiparameter optimization design of self-centering friction damper using shape memory alloy bars | Journal of Earthquake Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
49 | 吴涛 | Size effect on tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete: A numerical investigation | Construction and Building Materials | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
50 | 孟庆龙 | Reinforcement learning of room temperature set-point of thermal storage air-conditioning system with demand response | Energy and Buildings | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
51 | 傅博 | A probabilistic bond strength model for corroded reinforced concrete based on weighted averaging of non-fine-tuned machine learning models | Construction and Building Materials | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
52 | 康凯 | Assessment and development of the viscosity prediction capabilities of entropy scaling method coupled with a modified binary interaction parameter estimation model for refrigerant blends | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
53 | 康凯 | Viscosity prediction of pure refrigerants applying the residual entropy scaling theory coupled with a “Generalized Chart” parametrization method for the Statistical Associating Fluid Theory | Journal of Molecular Liquids | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
54 | 李文超 | A new ductile fracture model for structural metals considering effects of | Thin-Walled Structures | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
55 | 廖芳芳 | Seismic performance study on Q460 high-strength steel welded cruciform beam-column connections | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
56 | 廖芳芳 | Fracture analysis of high-strength steel beam-column connections with initial defects | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
57 | 胡志平 | Effects of rainwater infiltration in low impact development facilities on adjacent municipal roads in collapsible loess | Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
58 | 马恺泽 | Experimental investigation on ultra high performance fiber reinforced concrete beams | Mechanics of Advanced Materials and Structures | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
59 | 聂少锋 | Investigation of built-up box columns composed of four cold-formed steel channels |
| 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
60 | 田威 | Grey entropy analysis of strength and void structure of carbon nanotubes concrete under the coupling of sulfate attack and freeze-thaw cycles | Construction and Building Materials | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
61 | 田威 | Evaluation of pore deterioration of carbon nanotubes reinforced concrete exposed to high temperatures based on CT technique | Journal of Building Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
62 | 田威 | Performance evaluation and lifetime prediction of steel slag coarse aggregate concrete under sulfate attack | Construction and Building Materials | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
63 | 王步 | Effectiveness and efficiency of externally bonded CFRP sheets for shear strengthening of RC beam-column joints | Polymers | 国内学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
64 | 邢国华 | Behavior of RC beams strengthened with near-surface mounted aluminum alloy bars under fully reversible cyclic loads | Journal of Bridge Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
65 | 叶艳霞 | Flexural performance of hollow-core partially-encased composite beams | Journal of Building Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
66 | 赵均海 | Seismic performance of prefabricated joint for hollow CFDST column | Journal of Building Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
67 | 赵均海 | Experimental investigation and analytical modeling of steel beam-to-CFDST column connection | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
68 | 赵晓红 | Evaluation of water quality using a Takagi-Sugeno fuzzy neural network and determination of heavy metal pollution index in a typical site upstream of Yellow River | Environmental Research | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
69 | 赵晓红 | Ecological floating bed for decontamination of eutrophic water bodies: Using alum sludge ceramsite | Journal of Environmental Management | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
70 | 郑宏 | Cyclic performance and shear resistance design of asymmetric diagonal stifened beam-only-connected corrugated steel plate shear walls | Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
71 | 黄华 | Performance coordination design method applied to replaceable artificial controllable plastic hinge for precast concrete beam-column joints | Journal of building engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
72 | 黄华 | Assessment of fuzzy global seismic vulnerability for RC structures | Journal of building engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
73 | 杜涛 | On the backlayering length of the buoyant smoke in inclined tunnel fires under natural ventilation | Case Studies in Thermal Engineering | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |
74 | 黄华 | Seismic performance of steel-PEC spliced frame beam | Journal of Constructional Steel Research | 国外学术期刊 | SCI | B区 |